Sunday, March 18, 2012

Six Figure Mentors review.

The Six Figure Mentors is an Internet Marketing Mentoring, Training and Educational organization set up by Stuart Ross and Daniel Wagner, both highly successful Internet Marketers in their own right, with the aim of showing that anyone with the right tools, training and support can build their own successful Six Figure Income online.

One important and much discussed element of the Six Figure Mentors Training is access to an online mentor who will work on a one-to-one basis with motivated individuals to help them build their own legitimate income online.

Whilst having access to a Six Figure Mentor may suggest that a Six Figure income is almost guaranteed it is important to understand that mentoring is a two-way process and both parties must understand their individual responsibilities for the relationship to be mutually beneficial.

What are the responsibilities of the Six Figure Mentors?

In my view the answer to this question is simple. My preferred definition of the role of a mentor is an individual who serves as a teacher or trusted counselor. The key words for me here are TRUST, TEACH and COUNSEL.

On this basis it is fairly easy to define the responsibilities of a mentor;

Trust - anyone investing in an Internet Marketing Training program, based on the fact that they are led to believe they will get hands-on help, has a right to expect just that. It is important therefore that, when doing their due-diligence in selecting a Six Figure Mentor, they actually speak to the mentor and confirm that the mentor has both the time and inclination to deliver on this promise.
Teach - for me, as people learn in different ways, a mentor much be capable of delivering training via both verbal and visual methods. It is never enough to simply provide the text books and say get on with it, everything you need is there. For many people being shown AND told is the best way to learn.
Counsel - for many people the Internet provides a hugely exciting opportunity to build their own Six Figure income and sometimes, in their enthusiasm to get to this level, they lose sight of the fact that making money online is a business and requires hard work. A mentor should make this very clear from the beginning, discourage those who don't want to work hard and support those that do when they encounter difficulties.
What are the responsibilities of the Mentored?

A committed member of the Six Figure Mentors can only provide the tools, guidance and support required to deliver online success. The individual being mentored also has responsibility in reaching a successful outcome. Those typically are;
They should be prepared to work hard and implement the steps they are being taught.
They should commit to some degree of self-education. Not every conceivable situation can be covered in any course and self-education, through simple research, helps any individual to grow and develop both an inquisitive mindset and a can-do attitude.
They must proactively ASK THEIR SIX FIGURE MENTOR FOR HELP when they hit a roadblock they can't overcome.
Ultimately, a relationship where both parties accept their individual responsibilities will result in a successful and mutually enjoyable relationship.

Having a successful relationship, based on the above factors, is the easiest way to learn how to make money online. Going it alone is often the hardest way!.

Melkooner - Find me on

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